In a country where women were still actively side-lined, this coalition was birthed solely to improve the economic status of women which would ultimately improve their families and the country’s economy consequently.


Encouraging and improving sustainable entrepreneurial development among women.

The Association of Nigerian Women Business Network (ANWBN) is a coalition of over 75 women business associations, set up in the year 2013 with the common goal of encouraging and improving sustainable entrepreneurial development among women through research, advocacy and policy reform initiatives. In a country where women were still actively side-lined, this coalition was birthed solely to improve the economic status of women which would ultimately improve their families and the country’s economy consequently. ANWBN has to its advantage numerical strength and geographical spread, as it has over 4 million members with branches across all states and 774 local government areas in Nigeria. This affords her the opportunity of proper coverage of all nooks and crannies of the nation. The member organizations are equally diversely endowed in terms of their abilities according to their various missions.
The ANWBN History

Over 75 organizations with a common goal of encouraging and improving sustainable entrepreneurial development among Nigerian Women.

ANWBN is a Coalition of originally 18 Pioneer Primary Organizations, established in February 2013 under the auspices of the Centre For International Private Enterprise (CIPE). In July 2019, following the ANWBN Membership Sensitization Initiative, supported by CIPE, 28 new Women Business Organizations registered to become bonafide members. Presently with over 75 organizations with a common goal of encouraging and improving sustainable entrepreneurial development among Nigerian Women through research, advocacy, and policy reform initiatives, ANWBN is waxing stronger by the day.

Our Vision

Inspire women to be empowered and participate in policy influencing within their communities while advocating for issues focused on promoting women's right in Nigeria.

Our Mission

1. Empower women economically.
2. Promote entrepreneurship and innovation.
3. Foster collaboration and networking.
4. Advocate for women's rights and interests


Social justice


ANWBN is poised to accomplish its mission through credible representation of the views of its members to the three tiers of government in Nigeria and other stakeholders through advocacy and engagement in programs that convey this message, for example, TV interviews. The coalition is dedicated to the economic and socio-political development of Nigeria by equipping women to contribute positively to the society. ANWBN is also open to the idea of the intake of more members, admitting women-owned corporations and corporate members to its fold.


ANWBN exists to enhance the economic status of women so as to ensure peaceful co-habitation, credible job creation and adequate infrastructural provision across the nation. Some of its other objectives are:

  1. Unite women’s business networks nationwide.
  2. Provide capacity-building training and resources.
  3. Facilitate access to finance and markets.
  4. Influence policy reforms supporting women’s empowerment.

Membership Benefits

1. Networking opportunities with women entrepreneurs.
2. Access to training, mentorship, and capacity-building programs.
3. Business visibility and promotion.
4. Advocacy and policy influence.
5. Collaboration and partnership opportunities

Membership Requirements
  1. Registered women-focused association or organization.
  2. Alignment with ANWBN’s mission and objectives.
  3. Completion of membership application form.
  4. Payment of annual membership fees (N50,000)
How to Join
  1. Select a membership package and complete membership application form. Cick here to start 👉🏼: Membership Application
  2. Complete the online form and make payments. 


Contact Us

Dr. Mercy Bello Abu
Zonal Coordinator, South South
Email: mailto:mercyabu@anwbn.org

Join ANWBN today and become part of Nigeria’s largest women’s business network!

Women's National Business Agenda

The Women Business Agenda is a critical tool we developed for the business community to attract investment, stimulate company activity, and economic growth for women.

Grey Areas

ANWBN is a not-for-profit coalition that relies on partnerships, donations and sponsorships. This puts the organization at great risk without partners as inadequate funds and means of securing more funds to run its projects still remain huge threats and impediments to its growth. This is constantly addressed by leveraging on the relationships that have been created over the years to make things happen and also ensuring there is proper ideation and planning before venturing into a project.

There is also the need to continuously drive the message of unity and removal of bickering amongst members who come from different parts of the country with diverse experiences. This is usually addressed with proper and routine education of all members.

ANWBN Officials, Goals and Achievements



Over 75 women-led business associations in Nigeria, enhancing their Visibility and opportunities for growth, Promoting Trade and Investments.

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Empowering Women, Igniting Success: Explore the Latest Insights and Achievements in our ANWBN Newsletter.

News Letter

ANWBN is a coalition of 70 Women Business Associations across West African countries. The network is focus on total Women Empowerment, building leadership skills, access to credit, patronage of made in Nigerian goods as well as creating a gender friendly environment for women.


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