CIPE WNBA Review Meeting

In pursuit of the update of the Women National Business. Agenda (WNBA), which is a Redefining and Reassuring way of achieving Business Successes for ANWBN, Valucon, the Consultants today, facilitated a focus group discussion with the key ANWBN Primary Organizations, which included: BPW IWS NNEW WIRE OWIT NAWORG AWFN NASSI ANWIB WISTA WOCON The discussion, […]

In pursuit of the update of the Women National Business. Agenda (WNBA), which is a Redefining and Reassuring way of achieving Business Successes for ANWBN, Valucon, the Consultants today, facilitated a focus group discussion with the key ANWBN Primary Organizations, which included:

  1. BPW
  2. IWS
  3. NNEW
  4. WIRE
  5. OWIT
  7. AWFN
  8. NASSI
  9. ANWIB
  10. WISTA
  11. WOCON

The discussion, which was a review of the Priority Issues after 3 years focused on the success and challenges of the existing 2016 WNBA considered obsolete by members.

Relevant and current priority issues affecting women-owned businesses have been included in the updated WNBA. The New Relevant Issues which have been considered in the WNBA for the ease of doing business are:

  1. High Incidence of Insecurity.
  2. Inadequate Power Supply and Poor Road Network.
  3. Gender Inequality in Governance at all levels.
  4. Lack of Commodity Market Protection from foreigners.

Existing priority issue of the Patronage of Made in Nigerian Goods that have been resolved and passed into a bill has been expunged.

The focus group discussion took place today Friday, August 2019 at the CIPE Meeting Room, 11a Rev Ogunbiyi St. GRA Ikeja.

Compiled by Chief (Mrs) A. N. Okuribido – National Coordinator.



  1. High Incidence of Insecurity.
  2. Inadequate Power Supply and Poor Road Network.
  3. Gender Inequality in Governance at all levels.
  4. Lack of Access to Finance.
  5. Arbitrary and Multiple Taxation.
  6. Lack of Commodity Market Protection from foreigners.

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