The “Women in Export Trade and Investment” initiative is a dedicated effort to support and promote the active participation of women in international trade and investment activities. This initiative recognizes the significant contributions that women can make to global commerce and the economic development of nations.
- wexportti@gmail.com
- +234 8087187229
- Plot 3 Chijoke Akwukwuma Street Lekki.

The WExportTI Business Clusters
Empowering Women in Export Trade and Investment: Driving Global Growth, Making a Difference, and Shaping Tomorrow’s Markets.
- Export.
- Agriculture.
- Trade.
- Local Production.
- Textile and Fashion.
- ICT and Export Dev
- Alternative Energy.
Who We Are
WExportTI plays a critical role in promoting gender equality in international trade and investment, unlocking the economic potential of women entrepreneurs, and contributing to sustainable economic growth.
Our Mission
Identify, aggregate, train, empower, and connect 200 Female Exports to Market Opportunities across the Globe Annually for the export of Value Added Products growth development in the country.
Our Vission
To position women-owned Nigerian businesses across global borders and platforms.
Our Core Values
Integrity, passion, relationships, knowledge, and seeking information..
Meet our leadership team